Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Blog is no longer active.

We are no longer using the blogs. All parents should log into SOIN. Information was sent home with report cards. If you have misplaced your information, or need help please contact the EKA office.

Friday, October 29, 2010

New Unit

Howdy parents!

This week we began a new unit in our Reading Curriculum that is all about Families! We enjoyed a book called Tortillas and Lullabies….which was written in English and Spanish. We enjoyed using and learning Spanish words for mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother as well as for the numbers 1 – 4.

We had an interesting discussion about traditions. Some that we have in school and more importantly traditions we have in our families.

We are still working on simple addition, but we have also been investigating different ways to make 4, 5, 6 and 7. This may sound easy, but it can be a challenge. Help us work with the numbers when helping to set the table, or counting out objects at home.

We worked on needs versus wants and began brainstorming ideas for the Invention Convention. On top of all that, we have been working on the phonograms, math facts, sight words, reading skills, following directions, journaling, poetry, blending and segmenting onset and rime in words, new vocabulary in the Wordly Wise unit, and brainstorming about our favorite animal so we can write a paragraph report. (Just the usual!)

Have a great week!


This week in Hebrew and Judaics, we completed our unit of the Torah and the story of the creation. (The famous song the kids had learned is added in the scroll.) The kids learned some Hebrew words tied to the B’reshit story.

We discussed the Midah of Derech Erets and the Midah of Gemilu and Chasadim: of the way to help other people and heard a story about Miriam’s kindness.

We worked in our Hebrew dictionary and learned the letters: Gimmel and Dallet and the vocabulary of each letter by using flashcards.

During Parash, we learned about the life of Sarah who lived to be 127 years old, and about Isaac’s new wife called Rivka. The children are working on a few prayers with Mrs. Charles and enjoying being leaders.

Please keep writing the Mitzvah notes and enjoy the Torah we made!

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Kboudi

Friday, October 22, 2010

Skeletons and Such

This week has been busy and full of new experiences! We have been working on the five senses and our body. We learned about our bones and how they work and more importantly what they look like. In class, we examined some real x-ray pictures. The class compared them with their own bodies. We also looked at what all the x-ray pictures created when put together! I think we may have scared Clifford with the 5 foot tall assembled skeleton! (Check out the pictures below!)

We examined our spine and discovered that it is not just one long bone, but several bones that are spaced to let us move and wiggle! In conclusion, we created a paper spine to attach to our shirts. What fun!

We began working with number sentences and adding numbers horizontally as well as vertically. We discovered working with zero is quite easy!

This week we also concentrated on beginning sentences with a capital letter and ending with a punctuation mark. The kids had a blast correcting me and “teaching” me how to correctly form sentences.

In our Wordly Wise series, we worked with new vocabulary words and searched for pictures representing them.

We have concluded our reading unit, “Colors All Around”. The children have all learned the colors songs so well! With the help of the songs, we have learned to spell and to read the color words. I am impressed at how quickly they have succeeded! Encourage them to sing the different songs to you! We know RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, BLACK, BROWN, and PINK.

eka  five senses and creation 090 eka  five senses and creation 082 eka  five senses and creation 084 eka  five senses and creation 088

Hebrew and Judaics

This week we continued working on our Torahs and concentrated on Days 4 and 5. We worked on the Bet letter and vocabulary. Next week,  we will be dressing and decorating the Torah and learning about the Bima – stage, Aron Hakadesh – The Holy Ark, parochet – the Torah curtain and the Ner Tamid – the Eternal light.

The children are learning the key Hebrew words from the creation like: or – light, choshech – darkness and so on. Some of you have heard our creation song. I am very proud they could sing it all because it is a very long song. I will attach the words of the song in their Torah for all of you to enjoy.

We heard the Midrash story of why the moon only glows while the sun shines. We heard the parash Vayerah with Mrs. Charles and worked on some Tfillot.

Shabbat Shalom

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Good day everybody!

Yesterday we had a treat! We had the opportunity to listen to the music of the Klezmer Band. The children loved learning about the different instruments and listening to the amazing performers. 

We read the story, “How The Bird’s Got Their Colors.” It is an old Native American tale from North and South America. We worked on isolating beginning sounds and matching like sounds in various words. In Science, we learned about our sense of hearing. We used the words cochlea, eardrum, membrane, outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. We also made a pair of “Hear Muffs”.

In our Wordly Wise Unit, we are learning new vocabulary: glance, leak, split, and empty.

We also worked with –ing endings on words. We located all of the –ing endings in a poem and practiced using them to change words.

In math, we are continuing to create and read graphs as well as practice simple addition. We are working on memorizing the zero fact family and correct placement of the sum in math sentences that are vertical and horizontal. I suggest buying a set of addition flash cards that you and your child can use to practice the math facts. Again, we are currently mastering the zero fact family and will be transitioning quickly into the ones family and so on. Mastering the addition facts in Kindergarten, will allow a greater ease of math this year, as well as into the First Grade (where they will be mastering the subtraction facts).

Continue working on sight words and reading books nightly. Parent’s, please ensure your child is doing the homework to the best of their ability. I encourage you to have them correct mistakes and use the green handwriting sheet (located in the Apple Binder) to insure proper size, placement, and formation of all letters.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

During October and November we will be preparing for our annual Thanksgiving Program.
Save the date: November 23, 2010 @2:00.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monthly Homework

I am putting October Homework back into the Apple Binder. I am asking that the homework is done nightly according to the schedule. (We will begin this round of homework with October week 2) Please monitor your child as they  finish the homework each night. Please do not allow your child to complete the entire week or the entire month’s homework  in one night. This is not a true measure of your child’s ability. The written homework is short, so I am expecting the best effort is being presented each day. I am also insisting that a pencil is used to complete the work. I am placing another pencil in the Apple Binder that can be housed in the pencil pouch.  That way, your child can easily correct errors and again, do their best. I understand that sometimes, you will need your child to complete homework one day in advance because of a special occasion on the following evening. That is fine; I just do not want a week or month’s homework done in one night.

Thank you for working with your child nightly and reviewing the sight words and color words we are learning in class.  I will be collecting the weekly homework on Fridays. Have a great day!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fire Safety Week and Next Week’s Special Homework

This week we began a new section in our Reading Program called, Colors All Around. We read the story, I Went Walking and I Need a Lunch Box. We have been working on color words and learning little songs to help us remember how to spell the different colors. We have also been working on beginning sounds in words and counting the number of words in a sentence.

In math, we are reading and interpreting pictographs and counting  sets of objects to discover which has more and which has less.

This week has been full of fun and educational experiences. As I am sure you know,  we have been studying fire safety and I hope the children have been sharing their knowledge with you at home. We have worked on Stop, Drop, and Roll, Stay Low and Go, smoke detectors, what a fire needs to grow, Don't Touch or Play with Matches, the tools of a fireman, touching the door with the back of the hand to feel for heat, not hiding in closets or under beds if caught in a fire, and the importance of having a planned meeting place and plan of action for our own safety.  We have put all that knowledge to work and play in our Fire House Centers. As a treat, we had the San Antonio Fire Department come and visit the Kinder and First Grade Class this past Wednesday. The kids loved it! As a thank you, we even gave them a box full of treats to take back to the Fire Station to share with the other firefighters. Here are a few pictures of their visit and some pictures of the things we have been enjoying this week!

firesafety week 260  firesafety week 264

 firesafety week 283firesafety week 296   firesafety week 306firesafety week 257firesafety week 256 

Next week we will be working on the sense of touch and smell. I am encouraging the children to pick an item from home and bring it in an opaque container (backpack is fine). Practice at home describing the object (for a guessing game) and prepare to share with the class and let us guess what the object is. This is hard 1. to choose one item, 2. to keep the secret, and 3. to remember all the clues (a paper with the rehearsed description for me to aide your child with is a great idea). We will begin doing this on Monday and continue throughout the week.

Hebrew and Judaics October 7


The Fall Holidays are behind us and we can concentrate on learning our Hebrew letters: we learned the letter Alef, practiced how to write the letter correctly. Our Hebrew vocabulary for the letter Alef is: Abba – Dad, Eema Mom, Ani – I am,         Adom – red, Aron Kodesh – holy ark

All the new words are in our Hebrew Dictionary. Also, our current unit in Judaics is about the Torah. We are learning about the first word in the Torah (Bereshit –in the beginning) and about the creation and we will make a beautiful Torah for us to keep. We are also learning about who writes the Torah (a sofer – a scribe) and how it is being made.

Mrs. Charles is coming to our class to do the parash (portion of the week) and work on Tfillot (prayers).

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Kboudi

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 29th

Howdy! Today was our Sukkah Hop! We enjoyed visiting Gan Gani Pre-School and Heintz Pre-School and sharing a snack with them in their Sukkah! A special Thank You to all the parents who took us and kept us safe during our trip! Thank You to Jeremy’s Mom, Miles’ Mom, Mia’s Mom, Emma’s Mom, Claire’s Mom, Eli’s Mom, Nikita’s Mom and Josiah’s Parents. You were all very helpful and brave undertaking chaperoning our trip!

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When we returned, we made Simchat Torah flags! Check out the video of us marching, singing and waving our flags! It is below this days entry!


Next week, we will begin our study of Genesis and the TORAH!

In math class, we worked on reading and interpreting information from graphs. We also made our own graph based on our shoes; tie, Velcro and slip-on!

We also worked on compare and contrasting story situations, beginning sounds, rhyming words, beginning capitalization with following lowercase letters and ending punctuations!

Next week is one of my favorite weeks in all of Kindergarten!!!!

Fire Safety Week!

simchat torah

Kindergarten Art

Kindergarten has been learning about abstract art - we looked at the paintings of American artist, Mark Rothko before painting our own colorful artworks.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Sept 27

Whoo Boy! We were missing 4 students today! That was different, we really are a class that feels off when even 1 student is missing!         : (    Get well soon, you guys!

We made paper gingerbread men puppets today to go along with the Gingerbread Story we read in our Reading Program. We also read, “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse.” We discussed and compared/contrasted rural versus urban and drew pictures depicting where we would like to live.

We also reviewed capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, spacing, and ending punctuation.

Sukkah Hop on Wednesday!

“Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me…….

I’m the Gingerbread


gingerbread man gingerbread man (9)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today was an exciting and fun day full of learning in Kindergarten. We began with Circle Time and Journal Writing. We worked on distinguishing beginning sounds and reviewed rhyming words. In Reading Class, we began writing a class big book about how our body helps us do different things. We watched a math video that helped us practice, sorting, classifying, patterns, skip counting and addition and subtraction. We then made pattern necklaces with Fruity Cheerios.  As one student said, “Now this is how to play with your food!”Iphone shots 098 Iphone shots 100 Iphone shots 081 Iphone shots 082 Iphone shots 087 Iphone shots 091 Iphone shots 093 Iphone shots 097

We then had an adventure with a rain shower at recess followed by a small visitor in class.  A little gecko decided he wanted to hear the story we were reading and freaked out the entire room! But do not fret. We managed to catch him and set him free outside!

What an adventure!

Have a great weekend!

Ms Campbell

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The kids are learning about Yom-Kippur and about the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: these days are called “Aseret Yemi Teshuva” – days that in particular must concentrate on our good deeds and Mitzvot.

They listened to varies stories of Jonah (Yonah in Hebrew) and the big fish – related to Yom Kippur, and learned about the Fast of Yom Kippur and the day of Judgment. We are learning that on Yom Kippur we greet on another: Chatima Tova! (May you be sealed in the book of life!)

Thank you for the Kaparot money. We will collect it and give it for Tzedakah.

Chatima Tovah – May you be sealed in the book of life.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mrs. Markson's Tech Lab

Both sections of Kindergarten came to the lab today. As usual they followed directions well and we had a great time exploring more features of Kidpix. We concentrated on the paint tools (paint brush wacky paint  tools and spray paint 3D choices.) We'll continue our explorations in 3 weeks when we have class again.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kindergarten Art

The annual student artwork fundraiser is almost here! Kindergarteners are learning about symmetry as they cut and paste colorful papers together to create their collages.


I hope you had a wonderful Rosh Hashana!

Today, the children heard the story, "The Three Little Fishes and the Big Bad Shark." We also read a story that focused on how we have changed since being babies.

In math class we played a game with dice and worked on being a happy non-winner and gracious winner.

In science class, we are beginning our unit about our body and senses. Today we learned about our brain - cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. And the importance and function of the skull. Look for brain hats coming home soon!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kinder Art

Kindergarten had a wonderful time exploring the many types of lines artists can use to create art. After practicing how to draw a variety of lines, we used watercolors to enhance our artwork.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

We are continuing to develop our singing and rhyming repertoire with songs and games from nursery rhymes such as "Oliver Twist," "Cock-a-doodle Doo, the Dame Has Lost Her Shoe," and "You Turn for Sugar and Tea." We also played the glockenspeils for the first time.


I hope everyone is dry and happy! Tomorrow is not a spirit day. Please wear your school uniform. Tonight is the first official night of homework. Exciting!

Have a good day, stay dry!

Friday, September 3, 2010


This week in Kindergarten Hebrew and Judaics, we are learning more about Rosh Hashanah, some Hebrew vocabulary - and other symbols for the holiday that the kids may see on the table. We practiced all the Brachot (blessings) over the candles, round challah, and hearing the shofar.
Next week, we will focus on the blessings for apples, shehecheyanu and we will practice in class how to say slicha: sorry in Hebrew.

Shabbat Shalom & Happy New Year,
Mrs. Kboudi

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes from the Music Room:

Tuesday in music, we focused on the musical elements of steady beat and singing on pitch. We moved to a stationary rhyme called "This is Straight" and traveling rhyme "Oliver Twist." Our "concert time" focused on the trumpet with Jeremiah Clarke's "Trumpet Voluntary." Your children are good listeners.
We played the singing games of "The Farmer in the Dell" and "Gallant Ship."


Howdy Parents!
Today was very busy. We read the story, "The Enourmous Turnip". We learned and practiced various Nursery Rhymes. We learned about vertical and horizontal lines. We looked and identified both types of lines in our classroom and in our ABC letters!

In math, we worked with manipulatives (linking cubes). We analyzed more than and less than using the cubes. We went to PE and Computers today!

Have a great day!
PS - Class pictures will be taken tomorrow. If it rains, we will reschedule.

Notes from the Tech Lab

Kindergartners in both sections had computers today. We explored more of the drawing tools in KidPix today. We experimented with using the open and closed rectangle option as well as the open and closed oval options. We also used the straight line tool. Kindergartners created their own pictures using these options. We took walks around the room to look at everyone's creations.

As usual everyone listened and followed directions beautifully. When I called out HIL (stands for Hands in Lap) everyone stopped what they were doing and listened to directions.

We will not have class next week due to the holiday.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Please check envelope in Apple Binder and initial page before homework nightly! (On the correct Date)

  Last week in Hebrew and Judaics, the kids practiced blowing different kinds of Shofars and learned what the sounds of the shofar are and why we blow the shofar!

We made our own Shanah Tovah Cards for Rosh Hashana and learned the Brachot of hearing the Shofar and lighting the Yom Tov Nerot (candles). 

Also, they learned some Hebrew vocabulary of the holiday – apple, honey, Shanah Tova etc.

Reminder, a weekly Tzedakah will be collected, normally on Fridays, but it is welcomed any day! However, on the month of Elul, we encourage it throughout the whole month!

-Mrs. Kboudi

Today in General Studies, we read, “The Little Engine that Could” and sang “B-I-N-G-O”. One group decided they loved the song so much that we changed it to F-R-I-E-D-A” in honor of the letter of the day “Ff'”. We created classroom rules posters and learned new vocabulary in our Wordly Wise book. New vocabulary includes: stare, row, dew, strong, and fluffy.

Please look in the Apple Binder! The classwork that is graded may be kept at home. There is an off-white envelope that requires your attention and there is a Daily Entry page before the homework that is to be initialed nightly by you. The children will write a brief message to you daily and you will initial that you have read it. Have a great week!

Ms. Campbell

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Technology Class

Both Kindergarten Sections came to the Technology Lab today.
Some of the things we did today were:
  • Open KidPix 4 (a children's paint and writing program)
  • Learned the names for the parts of the KidPix Program (menu, tools, options)
  • Tried out the drawing tools, practiced making lines thicker and thinner, and tried the options for drawing (pencil, chalk, crayon, and spray can).
  • Reviewed where the enter key is on a keyboard and found the left click button on the mouse.
Your children all listened well and followed directions very nicely. They were a pleasure to teach!

Notes from the Music Room

Your children are precious! Welcome to the music room. My primary goal for our kindergarten students is to develop their love of music by playing instruments, using focused listening activities, moving to music, singing, and playing musical games. I am looking forward to getting to know your wonderful children. Patty Riggle Bonner-music

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Picture Day is THIS Friday!

Come wearing your Shabbat Uniform!

It was great seeing so many parents at last night's Meet the Teachers Night! I did forget to tell you one thing about the Apple Binder. Beginning in September, there will be a daily entry written by your child that needs to be initialled nightly. Look for it in front of the Homework section. It will not appear until September.

I sent home the past week's class work. Please take it out, review, and keep the work.

Today, we listened to The Tale of the Three Little Pigs and reviewed 2 Nursery Rhymes (Hey Diddle Diddle and 3 Little Kittens) concentrating on rhyming words. The students do an excellent job at reciting the rhymes. Ask them to show you how well they can "perform" 3 Little Kitten who Lost Their Mittens!

We worked on counting to 26 by two's, and continued working on number formation. We were also introduced to the number 0 versus the letter "O".

Have a great day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23

We are working hard on getting the routines down pat! This week, we are hearing a story called “Dandelion Wishes”. With the story, we are using new vocabulary words and discussing their meanings. Today, we focused on the words - curious, muddy, join, soil, slip, and ring.

In math, we are diligently working on forming our numbers correctly!  Encourage us to write our numbers and find improvement in our numeral strokes!

We are using our Handwriting Books for the first time as well. We are learning left from right and practicing the best way to sit and hold our paper and pencil for proper handwriting.

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at Meet the Teachers Night!

Have a great day!

Kinder Art

Kindergarten is off to a great start in art! We reviewed shapes that artists use, and looked at how they have been used in great works around the world through the Metropolitan Museum of Art's book, Shapes. We looked at circles, squares, rectangles, ovals, hearts, stars, crescents, arches and diamonds. Students then practiced drawing circles with oil pastels on black and white paper, while exploring the blending possibilities of oil pastels.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Homework Clarification

Howdy parents! Your child took home a poster paper with a picture of a T-Shirt on it. This poster is to be completed by your child with your help. Photos, drawings, child written, or parent written entries are all fine. Please encourage your child to color, paste, and input as much as possible. I will display them in the hallway for everyone to see! There is no wrong way to complete this poster! So do not fret, enjoy discovering likes and dislikes as well as you and your child’s similarities and differences (and working together to get a job done!). Have a great weekend! See y’all on Monday! Posters are due on Tuesday!

Week 1

The kids are adjusting to their routines and learning about their Hebrew names. We celebrated Shabbat today for the first time in class, and practiced all the Brachot (blessings): candles, wine, washing, and challah. We heard a short story about "The Very Best Place for a Penny" and discussed the meaning of Tzedakkah. We encourage the kids to earn thier Tzedakkah by doing a mitzvah. Shabbat Shalom!

Mrs. Kboudi

In general studies we used our math books for the first time! We are beginning with reviewing numbers 1-5. Focusing how to properly write the numerals. We have also been working on learning our phonograms and using them to read simple words. We have done two journal entries and are busy learning the schedule and how to use the centers in the room.

Next week, we will begin the reading unit. We will be adding our names to the Word Wall and getting to know each one of our classmates!

Ms. Campbell

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well, it is officially in the books and your child has completed the first day of kindergarten, commencing the school age portion on their life! We had a great day!

We did an “ISpy” scavenger hunt in the classroom, took a tour of the downstairs portion of the EKA and JCC main lobby, we had recess, Hebrew class and “A” kinder went to Art while “B” Kinder went to PE today. We read the books, “Annabelle Swift, Kindergartener” and “Purplicious”. We began learning (and for some) reviewing our phonograms and letters. We talked about what we were going to be learning and doing in Kindergarten and we shared what we thought the school year will be like!

Tomorrow is a new and very exciting day! It is the first day we get to wear our new school uniforms! Ask your child if they need snacks during the day! I know there were nervous children who skipped breakfast and ended up starving to pieces once their nerves settled in the classroom.

I can’t wait to see them all tomorrow! Have a great evening!

Ms. Campbell