Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 29th

Howdy! Today was our Sukkah Hop! We enjoyed visiting Gan Gani Pre-School and Heintz Pre-School and sharing a snack with them in their Sukkah! A special Thank You to all the parents who took us and kept us safe during our trip! Thank You to Jeremy’s Mom, Miles’ Mom, Mia’s Mom, Emma’s Mom, Claire’s Mom, Eli’s Mom, Nikita’s Mom and Josiah’s Parents. You were all very helpful and brave undertaking chaperoning our trip!

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When we returned, we made Simchat Torah flags! Check out the video of us marching, singing and waving our flags! It is below this days entry!


Next week, we will begin our study of Genesis and the TORAH!

In math class, we worked on reading and interpreting information from graphs. We also made our own graph based on our shoes; tie, Velcro and slip-on!

We also worked on compare and contrasting story situations, beginning sounds, rhyming words, beginning capitalization with following lowercase letters and ending punctuations!

Next week is one of my favorite weeks in all of Kindergarten!!!!

Fire Safety Week!