Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well, it is officially in the books and your child has completed the first day of kindergarten, commencing the school age portion on their life! We had a great day!

We did an “ISpy” scavenger hunt in the classroom, took a tour of the downstairs portion of the EKA and JCC main lobby, we had recess, Hebrew class and “A” kinder went to Art while “B” Kinder went to PE today. We read the books, “Annabelle Swift, Kindergartener” and “Purplicious”. We began learning (and for some) reviewing our phonograms and letters. We talked about what we were going to be learning and doing in Kindergarten and we shared what we thought the school year will be like!

Tomorrow is a new and very exciting day! It is the first day we get to wear our new school uniforms! Ask your child if they need snacks during the day! I know there were nervous children who skipped breakfast and ended up starving to pieces once their nerves settled in the classroom.

I can’t wait to see them all tomorrow! Have a great evening!

Ms. Campbell