Come wearing your Shabbat Uniform!
It was great seeing so many parents at last night's Meet the Teachers Night! I did forget to tell you one thing about the Apple Binder. Beginning in September, there will be a daily entry written by your child that needs to be initialled nightly. Look for it in front of the Homework section. It will not appear until September.
I sent home the past week's class work. Please take it out, review, and keep the work.
Today, we listened to The Tale of the Three Little Pigs and reviewed 2 Nursery Rhymes (Hey Diddle Diddle and 3 Little Kittens) concentrating on rhyming words. The students do an excellent job at reciting the rhymes. Ask them to show you how well they can "perform" 3 Little Kitten who Lost Their Mittens!
We worked on counting to 26 by two's, and continued working on number formation. We were also introduced to the number 0 versus the letter "O".
Have a great day!
14 years ago