Monday, August 30, 2010

Please check envelope in Apple Binder and initial page before homework nightly! (On the correct Date)

  Last week in Hebrew and Judaics, the kids practiced blowing different kinds of Shofars and learned what the sounds of the shofar are and why we blow the shofar!

We made our own Shanah Tovah Cards for Rosh Hashana and learned the Brachot of hearing the Shofar and lighting the Yom Tov Nerot (candles). 

Also, they learned some Hebrew vocabulary of the holiday – apple, honey, Shanah Tova etc.

Reminder, a weekly Tzedakah will be collected, normally on Fridays, but it is welcomed any day! However, on the month of Elul, we encourage it throughout the whole month!

-Mrs. Kboudi

Today in General Studies, we read, “The Little Engine that Could” and sang “B-I-N-G-O”. One group decided they loved the song so much that we changed it to F-R-I-E-D-A” in honor of the letter of the day “Ff'”. We created classroom rules posters and learned new vocabulary in our Wordly Wise book. New vocabulary includes: stare, row, dew, strong, and fluffy.

Please look in the Apple Binder! The classwork that is graded may be kept at home. There is an off-white envelope that requires your attention and there is a Daily Entry page before the homework that is to be initialed nightly by you. The children will write a brief message to you daily and you will initial that you have read it. Have a great week!

Ms. Campbell