Monday, October 11, 2010

Monthly Homework

I am putting October Homework back into the Apple Binder. I am asking that the homework is done nightly according to the schedule. (We will begin this round of homework with October week 2) Please monitor your child as they  finish the homework each night. Please do not allow your child to complete the entire week or the entire month’s homework  in one night. This is not a true measure of your child’s ability. The written homework is short, so I am expecting the best effort is being presented each day. I am also insisting that a pencil is used to complete the work. I am placing another pencil in the Apple Binder that can be housed in the pencil pouch.  That way, your child can easily correct errors and again, do their best. I understand that sometimes, you will need your child to complete homework one day in advance because of a special occasion on the following evening. That is fine; I just do not want a week or month’s homework done in one night.

Thank you for working with your child nightly and reviewing the sight words and color words we are learning in class.  I will be collecting the weekly homework on Fridays. Have a great day!