Friday, October 22, 2010

Hebrew and Judaics

This week we continued working on our Torahs and concentrated on Days 4 and 5. We worked on the Bet letter and vocabulary. Next week,  we will be dressing and decorating the Torah and learning about the Bima – stage, Aron Hakadesh – The Holy Ark, parochet – the Torah curtain and the Ner Tamid – the Eternal light.

The children are learning the key Hebrew words from the creation like: or – light, choshech – darkness and so on. Some of you have heard our creation song. I am very proud they could sing it all because it is a very long song. I will attach the words of the song in their Torah for all of you to enjoy.

We heard the Midrash story of why the moon only glows while the sun shines. We heard the parash Vayerah with Mrs. Charles and worked on some Tfillot.

Shabbat Shalom