Friday, October 8, 2010

Fire Safety Week and Next Week’s Special Homework

This week we began a new section in our Reading Program called, Colors All Around. We read the story, I Went Walking and I Need a Lunch Box. We have been working on color words and learning little songs to help us remember how to spell the different colors. We have also been working on beginning sounds in words and counting the number of words in a sentence.

In math, we are reading and interpreting pictographs and counting  sets of objects to discover which has more and which has less.

This week has been full of fun and educational experiences. As I am sure you know,  we have been studying fire safety and I hope the children have been sharing their knowledge with you at home. We have worked on Stop, Drop, and Roll, Stay Low and Go, smoke detectors, what a fire needs to grow, Don't Touch or Play with Matches, the tools of a fireman, touching the door with the back of the hand to feel for heat, not hiding in closets or under beds if caught in a fire, and the importance of having a planned meeting place and plan of action for our own safety.  We have put all that knowledge to work and play in our Fire House Centers. As a treat, we had the San Antonio Fire Department come and visit the Kinder and First Grade Class this past Wednesday. The kids loved it! As a thank you, we even gave them a box full of treats to take back to the Fire Station to share with the other firefighters. Here are a few pictures of their visit and some pictures of the things we have been enjoying this week!

firesafety week 260  firesafety week 264

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Next week we will be working on the sense of touch and smell. I am encouraging the children to pick an item from home and bring it in an opaque container (backpack is fine). Practice at home describing the object (for a guessing game) and prepare to share with the class and let us guess what the object is. This is hard 1. to choose one item, 2. to keep the secret, and 3. to remember all the clues (a paper with the rehearsed description for me to aide your child with is a great idea). We will begin doing this on Monday and continue throughout the week.