Friday, October 29, 2010


This week in Hebrew and Judaics, we completed our unit of the Torah and the story of the creation. (The famous song the kids had learned is added in the scroll.) The kids learned some Hebrew words tied to the B’reshit story.

We discussed the Midah of Derech Erets and the Midah of Gemilu and Chasadim: of the way to help other people and heard a story about Miriam’s kindness.

We worked in our Hebrew dictionary and learned the letters: Gimmel and Dallet and the vocabulary of each letter by using flashcards.

During Parash, we learned about the life of Sarah who lived to be 127 years old, and about Isaac’s new wife called Rivka. The children are working on a few prayers with Mrs. Charles and enjoying being leaders.

Please keep writing the Mitzvah notes and enjoy the Torah we made!

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Kboudi