Monday, August 30, 2010

Please check envelope in Apple Binder and initial page before homework nightly! (On the correct Date)

  Last week in Hebrew and Judaics, the kids practiced blowing different kinds of Shofars and learned what the sounds of the shofar are and why we blow the shofar!

We made our own Shanah Tovah Cards for Rosh Hashana and learned the Brachot of hearing the Shofar and lighting the Yom Tov Nerot (candles). 

Also, they learned some Hebrew vocabulary of the holiday – apple, honey, Shanah Tova etc.

Reminder, a weekly Tzedakah will be collected, normally on Fridays, but it is welcomed any day! However, on the month of Elul, we encourage it throughout the whole month!

-Mrs. Kboudi

Today in General Studies, we read, “The Little Engine that Could” and sang “B-I-N-G-O”. One group decided they loved the song so much that we changed it to F-R-I-E-D-A” in honor of the letter of the day “Ff'”. We created classroom rules posters and learned new vocabulary in our Wordly Wise book. New vocabulary includes: stare, row, dew, strong, and fluffy.

Please look in the Apple Binder! The classwork that is graded may be kept at home. There is an off-white envelope that requires your attention and there is a Daily Entry page before the homework that is to be initialed nightly by you. The children will write a brief message to you daily and you will initial that you have read it. Have a great week!

Ms. Campbell

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Technology Class

Both Kindergarten Sections came to the Technology Lab today.
Some of the things we did today were:
  • Open KidPix 4 (a children's paint and writing program)
  • Learned the names for the parts of the KidPix Program (menu, tools, options)
  • Tried out the drawing tools, practiced making lines thicker and thinner, and tried the options for drawing (pencil, chalk, crayon, and spray can).
  • Reviewed where the enter key is on a keyboard and found the left click button on the mouse.
Your children all listened well and followed directions very nicely. They were a pleasure to teach!

Notes from the Music Room

Your children are precious! Welcome to the music room. My primary goal for our kindergarten students is to develop their love of music by playing instruments, using focused listening activities, moving to music, singing, and playing musical games. I am looking forward to getting to know your wonderful children. Patty Riggle Bonner-music

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Picture Day is THIS Friday!

Come wearing your Shabbat Uniform!

It was great seeing so many parents at last night's Meet the Teachers Night! I did forget to tell you one thing about the Apple Binder. Beginning in September, there will be a daily entry written by your child that needs to be initialled nightly. Look for it in front of the Homework section. It will not appear until September.

I sent home the past week's class work. Please take it out, review, and keep the work.

Today, we listened to The Tale of the Three Little Pigs and reviewed 2 Nursery Rhymes (Hey Diddle Diddle and 3 Little Kittens) concentrating on rhyming words. The students do an excellent job at reciting the rhymes. Ask them to show you how well they can "perform" 3 Little Kitten who Lost Their Mittens!

We worked on counting to 26 by two's, and continued working on number formation. We were also introduced to the number 0 versus the letter "O".

Have a great day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23

We are working hard on getting the routines down pat! This week, we are hearing a story called “Dandelion Wishes”. With the story, we are using new vocabulary words and discussing their meanings. Today, we focused on the words - curious, muddy, join, soil, slip, and ring.

In math, we are diligently working on forming our numbers correctly!  Encourage us to write our numbers and find improvement in our numeral strokes!

We are using our Handwriting Books for the first time as well. We are learning left from right and practicing the best way to sit and hold our paper and pencil for proper handwriting.

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at Meet the Teachers Night!

Have a great day!

Kinder Art

Kindergarten is off to a great start in art! We reviewed shapes that artists use, and looked at how they have been used in great works around the world through the Metropolitan Museum of Art's book, Shapes. We looked at circles, squares, rectangles, ovals, hearts, stars, crescents, arches and diamonds. Students then practiced drawing circles with oil pastels on black and white paper, while exploring the blending possibilities of oil pastels.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Homework Clarification

Howdy parents! Your child took home a poster paper with a picture of a T-Shirt on it. This poster is to be completed by your child with your help. Photos, drawings, child written, or parent written entries are all fine. Please encourage your child to color, paste, and input as much as possible. I will display them in the hallway for everyone to see! There is no wrong way to complete this poster! So do not fret, enjoy discovering likes and dislikes as well as you and your child’s similarities and differences (and working together to get a job done!). Have a great weekend! See y’all on Monday! Posters are due on Tuesday!

Week 1

The kids are adjusting to their routines and learning about their Hebrew names. We celebrated Shabbat today for the first time in class, and practiced all the Brachot (blessings): candles, wine, washing, and challah. We heard a short story about "The Very Best Place for a Penny" and discussed the meaning of Tzedakkah. We encourage the kids to earn thier Tzedakkah by doing a mitzvah. Shabbat Shalom!

Mrs. Kboudi

In general studies we used our math books for the first time! We are beginning with reviewing numbers 1-5. Focusing how to properly write the numerals. We have also been working on learning our phonograms and using them to read simple words. We have done two journal entries and are busy learning the schedule and how to use the centers in the room.

Next week, we will begin the reading unit. We will be adding our names to the Word Wall and getting to know each one of our classmates!

Ms. Campbell

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well, it is officially in the books and your child has completed the first day of kindergarten, commencing the school age portion on their life! We had a great day!

We did an “ISpy” scavenger hunt in the classroom, took a tour of the downstairs portion of the EKA and JCC main lobby, we had recess, Hebrew class and “A” kinder went to Art while “B” Kinder went to PE today. We read the books, “Annabelle Swift, Kindergartener” and “Purplicious”. We began learning (and for some) reviewing our phonograms and letters. We talked about what we were going to be learning and doing in Kindergarten and we shared what we thought the school year will be like!

Tomorrow is a new and very exciting day! It is the first day we get to wear our new school uniforms! Ask your child if they need snacks during the day! I know there were nervous children who skipped breakfast and ended up starving to pieces once their nerves settled in the classroom.

I can’t wait to see them all tomorrow! Have a great evening!

Ms. Campbell