Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 29th

Howdy! Today was our Sukkah Hop! We enjoyed visiting Gan Gani Pre-School and Heintz Pre-School and sharing a snack with them in their Sukkah! A special Thank You to all the parents who took us and kept us safe during our trip! Thank You to Jeremy’s Mom, Miles’ Mom, Mia’s Mom, Emma’s Mom, Claire’s Mom, Eli’s Mom, Nikita’s Mom and Josiah’s Parents. You were all very helpful and brave undertaking chaperoning our trip!

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When we returned, we made Simchat Torah flags! Check out the video of us marching, singing and waving our flags! It is below this days entry!


Next week, we will begin our study of Genesis and the TORAH!

In math class, we worked on reading and interpreting information from graphs. We also made our own graph based on our shoes; tie, Velcro and slip-on!

We also worked on compare and contrasting story situations, beginning sounds, rhyming words, beginning capitalization with following lowercase letters and ending punctuations!

Next week is one of my favorite weeks in all of Kindergarten!!!!

Fire Safety Week!

simchat torah

Kindergarten Art

Kindergarten has been learning about abstract art - we looked at the paintings of American artist, Mark Rothko before painting our own colorful artworks.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Sept 27

Whoo Boy! We were missing 4 students today! That was different, we really are a class that feels off when even 1 student is missing!         : (    Get well soon, you guys!

We made paper gingerbread men puppets today to go along with the Gingerbread Story we read in our Reading Program. We also read, “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse.” We discussed and compared/contrasted rural versus urban and drew pictures depicting where we would like to live.

We also reviewed capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, spacing, and ending punctuation.

Sukkah Hop on Wednesday!

“Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me…….

I’m the Gingerbread


gingerbread man gingerbread man (9)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today was an exciting and fun day full of learning in Kindergarten. We began with Circle Time and Journal Writing. We worked on distinguishing beginning sounds and reviewed rhyming words. In Reading Class, we began writing a class big book about how our body helps us do different things. We watched a math video that helped us practice, sorting, classifying, patterns, skip counting and addition and subtraction. We then made pattern necklaces with Fruity Cheerios.  As one student said, “Now this is how to play with your food!”Iphone shots 098 Iphone shots 100 Iphone shots 081 Iphone shots 082 Iphone shots 087 Iphone shots 091 Iphone shots 093 Iphone shots 097

We then had an adventure with a rain shower at recess followed by a small visitor in class.  A little gecko decided he wanted to hear the story we were reading and freaked out the entire room! But do not fret. We managed to catch him and set him free outside!

What an adventure!

Have a great weekend!

Ms Campbell

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The kids are learning about Yom-Kippur and about the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: these days are called “Aseret Yemi Teshuva” – days that in particular must concentrate on our good deeds and Mitzvot.

They listened to varies stories of Jonah (Yonah in Hebrew) and the big fish – related to Yom Kippur, and learned about the Fast of Yom Kippur and the day of Judgment. We are learning that on Yom Kippur we greet on another: Chatima Tova! (May you be sealed in the book of life!)

Thank you for the Kaparot money. We will collect it and give it for Tzedakah.

Chatima Tovah – May you be sealed in the book of life.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mrs. Markson's Tech Lab

Both sections of Kindergarten came to the lab today. As usual they followed directions well and we had a great time exploring more features of Kidpix. We concentrated on the paint tools (paint brush wacky paint  tools and spray paint 3D choices.) We'll continue our explorations in 3 weeks when we have class again.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kindergarten Art

The annual student artwork fundraiser is almost here! Kindergarteners are learning about symmetry as they cut and paste colorful papers together to create their collages.


I hope you had a wonderful Rosh Hashana!

Today, the children heard the story, "The Three Little Fishes and the Big Bad Shark." We also read a story that focused on how we have changed since being babies.

In math class we played a game with dice and worked on being a happy non-winner and gracious winner.

In science class, we are beginning our unit about our body and senses. Today we learned about our brain - cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. And the importance and function of the skull. Look for brain hats coming home soon!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kinder Art

Kindergarten had a wonderful time exploring the many types of lines artists can use to create art. After practicing how to draw a variety of lines, we used watercolors to enhance our artwork.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

We are continuing to develop our singing and rhyming repertoire with songs and games from nursery rhymes such as "Oliver Twist," "Cock-a-doodle Doo, the Dame Has Lost Her Shoe," and "You Turn for Sugar and Tea." We also played the glockenspeils for the first time.


I hope everyone is dry and happy! Tomorrow is not a spirit day. Please wear your school uniform. Tonight is the first official night of homework. Exciting!

Have a good day, stay dry!

Friday, September 3, 2010


This week in Kindergarten Hebrew and Judaics, we are learning more about Rosh Hashanah, some Hebrew vocabulary - and other symbols for the holiday that the kids may see on the table. We practiced all the Brachot (blessings) over the candles, round challah, and hearing the shofar.
Next week, we will focus on the blessings for apples, shehecheyanu and we will practice in class how to say slicha: sorry in Hebrew.

Shabbat Shalom & Happy New Year,
Mrs. Kboudi

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes from the Music Room:

Tuesday in music, we focused on the musical elements of steady beat and singing on pitch. We moved to a stationary rhyme called "This is Straight" and traveling rhyme "Oliver Twist." Our "concert time" focused on the trumpet with Jeremiah Clarke's "Trumpet Voluntary." Your children are good listeners.
We played the singing games of "The Farmer in the Dell" and "Gallant Ship."


Howdy Parents!
Today was very busy. We read the story, "The Enourmous Turnip". We learned and practiced various Nursery Rhymes. We learned about vertical and horizontal lines. We looked and identified both types of lines in our classroom and in our ABC letters!

In math, we worked with manipulatives (linking cubes). We analyzed more than and less than using the cubes. We went to PE and Computers today!

Have a great day!
PS - Class pictures will be taken tomorrow. If it rains, we will reschedule.

Notes from the Tech Lab

Kindergartners in both sections had computers today. We explored more of the drawing tools in KidPix today. We experimented with using the open and closed rectangle option as well as the open and closed oval options. We also used the straight line tool. Kindergartners created their own pictures using these options. We took walks around the room to look at everyone's creations.

As usual everyone listened and followed directions beautifully. When I called out HIL (stands for Hands in Lap) everyone stopped what they were doing and listened to directions.

We will not have class next week due to the holiday.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year.